Each year NBCC partners with exceptional organizations that do great work in our local communities and around the world. Learn more about our 2021 Be Rich to Others outreach. Check out the video!

Together we shared the love of Jesus by:

  • PRAYING: 32,760+ minutes of prayer across our community.

  • LOVING: 1,740+ hygiene kits assembled and donated to WeHOPE and Loaves & Fishes

  • GIVING: $96,245+ for our Be Rich partners listed below.



“Creating hygiene kits and serving are fun/meaningful ‘team sports!’ to do together during the Christmas season!” — Donna Mburi

“Creating hygiene kits and serving are fun/meaningful ‘team sports!’ to do together during the Christmas season!” — Donna Mburi

“My husband, Anthony and I went out to lunch after the Be Rich Drop-Off and a man noticed our Be Rich T-Shirts! He came over and said, “I love your T-Shirts! Pray, Love, Give, that’s beautiful! Are you Christians?!” We told him yes and he sat down with us for about 15 min and we talked about our faith, NBCC and we told him about the Hygiene Kit Drop-Off! It was such an amazing conversation! He was so excited to hear that our church was out there helping the homeless and being a blessing to others! Also, his last name happened to be Sorich (Pronounced “So-Rich”)! Moments like this are priceless!” — Trinece Wade

“I had the opportunity to see the middle school students in action.  They learned to give of themselves through this experience. They learned to “see” others in their cars, speak to adults, and carry the load (hygiene kits) for others. They learned about giving and receiving. What a great lesson! We gave them the opportunity to do something different at church and to be a part of what we all were doing. The adults learned how to make space for the kiddos for them to learn how to serve. It was a powerful experience.” — Jamie Gaines

Lauren and Elijah went to the store to purchase their hygiene kit items. A man approached them and asked them why they were buying so much stuff. They shared that they were making hygiene kits for the homeless. He was so moved that he pulled out cash from his pocket and gave them $18 to help with buying the items. When they went to pay for the items, the clerk, after finding out what they were doing, did NOT charge them for the bags. When we give, it moves the hearts of others to give. — Pastor Hurmon Hamilton

100% Money Raised Was Donated To: