

Singles Life at New Beginnings Community Church is an opportunity to connect for all singles (18 and over, anyone unmarried, including those who are dating).

In this season, the need for connection is greater than ever. One of our primary goals is to facilitate connection for our communities. As we all Shelter In Place, one way to stay connected is through Life Groups (small groups).

If you are interested in joining a online Life Group, you can learn more on the Life Groups page.


We are looking for leaders to start new Singles Life Group. If you’re interested, please apply via the form below and click “Singles” under the area of interest.

To receive updates on events for singles, sign up below. It's pretty low-traffic but will help you know what's going on with NBCC Singles Life.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

Matthew 6:33 (NLT)


Contact for Singles Life


Director of Discipleship and Life Groups