Catch Your Breath and Move Forward

During this message, Pastor Hurmon asks us to focus on God’s purpose for our lives in this defining moment. We often focus on God’s purpose of our entire lives, but there is also great value in taking the time to learn our purpose in God’s kingdom in the specific moment we are living in. Our purpose in defining moments can be found in the decisions we make in difficult, defining moments. Many of our decisions in defining moments involve at least one of the following three actions: to surrender, to seek or to obey. The story of Esther shows us that following God in our defining moments can change our lives and the lives of those around us for the benefit of the kingdom of God.

Response to the Message:
God, I’m ready to take the next step!

Reflection Questions:
As you think about your response to this defining moment, which of the three areas do you find most challenging: surrendering, seeking, or obeying?