Sundays, Oct 16 – Nov 13, 2022

Our "Acts of Kindness" should not be random — they should be intentional. To BE RICH involves being kind, empathetic and generous.



Participate in our Acts of Kindness Challenge. Download the card and start walking in kindness! Don’t forget to tag us on social media #BeRich22.


A JESUS-FIRST PARADIGM (dialoguing across differences)   

Jesus cares about our stories. And as Jesus followers, we should care about each other’s stories. Hearing and engaging with one another’s stories makes it possible for radical empathy to form a bridge of hope and healing across our differences.

How do we have conversations across our differences? Here is a communication process that helps to make such conversations possible.

Listen — to the stories of others with compassion and thoughtfulness

Feel — acknowledge and engage the other’s pain, as though you were in their shoes

Share — express your feelings, thoughts, and convictions honestly without dismissing or devaluing their stories 

Boundaries — clarify areas of agreement and disagreement, creating space to love each other and trust Jesus as Lord  

Watch Pastor Hurmon’s message, “Be Radically Empathetic

Ways to Enjoy the Message